Spring til indhold

Wikidag 2022

Fra Wikimedia Danmark

Wikidag 2022 at Saturday 17. september 2022 at PROSA, Vester Farimagsgade 37A, København, Copenhagen. This event will be partially in English. All are welcome. The event will also be online on https://meet.google.com/bcz-icgv-xzn.


10.00 – 11.00 Scholia — a webapplication for science (Finn Årup Nielsen — Scholia)
Scholia is a webapplication that I started back in 2016. Since then it has been expanded by an international group and supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. It displays science and related information from Wikidata via the Wikidata Query Service. We can display information about researchers, their publications and their organizations. The rich annotation of Wikidata allows for instance to display a page of machine learning researcher in Copenhagen, most similar scientific conference to a given conference and geographical locations associated with a specific topic.
Finn Årup Nielsen is a long-time Wikipedia and Wikidata editor and chairman of Wikimedia Denmark. In his daytime job he works with data science at a technical university in Denmark.
11.00 – 12.00 Multilingual Wikipedia (Florian Meier — Scholia)
With more than 50 Mio articles in over 300 language editions, Wikipedia is the biggest multilingual knowledge project on the web. In this talk, I want to briefly highlight why Wikipedia's multilingual nature is both a blessing and a curse and show how multilingualism, i.e., proficiency in multiple languages, affects Wikipedia editing and reading behaviour while focusing on the Nordic countries Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Florian Meier is an Associate professor (Lektor) for Information Studies at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, where he primarily teaches courses on Human-Centered Design and User Experience. He holds a PhD in Information Science from the University of Regensburg in Germany. His research interests are located in the intersection of Computational Social Science, Digital Humanities and Information Behaviour. His most recent projects include the study of climate change communication in Danish newspaper articles and many Wikipedia related studies.
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
We plan to buy lunch from a local sandwich venue.
13.00 – 14.00 Wikipedia and Cryptocurrencies. Interplay Between Collective Attention and Market Performance (Laura Alessandretti — Scholia)
Laura: "I am Assistant Professor in Modelling of Human Dynamics at the Technical University of Denmark. I am interested in Computational Social Science, Data Science and Complex Networks. I research aspects of human behavior combining analysis of large-scale datasets, analytical models and numerical simulations. Previously, I was a PostDoctoral researcher at the Copenhagen Centre for Social Data Science and at DTU Compute. Before that, I got my PhD in Mathematics at City, University of London, and my Master's in Physics of Complex Systems at École normale supérieure de Lyon (France)."
14.00 – 15.00 Notabilitetsmodeller og deres betydning for Wikipedias emnemæssige bredde (Matthias Smed Larsen)
Alle versioner af onlineencyklopædien Wikipedia har en standard for, hvilke emner, der kan bære deres egen artikel frem for at blive inkorporeret i større artikler eller slet ikke blive dækket på encyklopædien. Denne notabilitetspolitik er imidlertid ikke udformet på samme måde på Wikipedias forskellige sprogversioner. Denne præsentation foretager en komparativ analyse af de skandinaviske sprogversioner og den engelske sprogversions notabilitetspolitikker, og overvejer hvilken betydning de har for, hvilke emner der bliver dækket på disse sprogversioner.
Matthias er jurastuderende og administrator på den danske Wikipedia

Generalforsamling i Wikimedia Danmark


Efter Wikidag vil der være Generalforsamling 2022. Den vil begynde 15:30. Information om indmeldelse står på siden Indmeldelse. Her er der for eksempel MobilePay-nummeret til indbetaling.