Annual report 2021
Annual report 2021
Wikimedia Denmark is an organization in Denmark that supports Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. The board of five persons had been elected September 2020 at the general assembly and throughout 2021 had board meetings at approximately monthly intervals, usually online using Google Meet. At the general assembly in September 2021, five board members were elected. One board member stepped down, an a new stepped in. Wikimedia Denmark has a small and healthy economy with no staff.
Wikimedia Denmark's participation in international Wikimedia events and activities was limited 2021.
Media appearance
[redigér]In connection with the English Wikipedia's 20 year anniversary the news website of the Danish national broadcaster, DR, featured an article published 16 January 2021 about Wikipedia, and the Danish Wikipedia in particular. Wikimedia Denmark Chairperson Finn Årup Nielsen was interviewed and brief quotes was used in the article.[1]
Later in January 2021, Finn Årup Nielsen was interviewed to the radio program Vi er data (We are data) about Wikipedia.[2]
Events and collaboration
[redigér]Throughout the year Wikimedia Denmark has participated in the Wiki Labs Kultur events which are meetings among Wikimedians and people interested in topics in the GLAM field. During the COVID-19 lookdowns the meetings have been online, otherwise they have usually been physical meetups at Copenhagen cultural institutions. After the online meeting showed that Wikipedians from other parts of Denmark participated, the online meetings have continued. Among the resources discussed have been those associated with Kolding Archive and Thorvaldsens Museum.
Community meeting called WikiWednesday has been planned a few times in 2021.
Wikimedia Denmark has usually held Wikidag (Wikiday) in connection with the general assembly in September. This year we cancelled the event to focus on the 20 year anniversary of the Danish Wikipedia in the beginning of 2022.